Shinju, meaning 'Pearl', was born from the slopes of the great Mt. Fuji, Japan's highest and most sacred mountain.

Ancient Japanese believed that pearls were created from the tears of Angels; 'born of the water'.

Mt. Fuji's pristine alpine water is used to create Shinju, giving it a unique smoothness.

Named 'Best for Cocktails' by Liquor.com
Best of Class, Best Whiskey, and Double Gold at Sante’ International Wine & Spirits Competition
**One of only two brands to receive a perfect score of 100
Gold Medal - John Barleycorn Awards
Gold Medal - LA Invitational
Silver Medal - Fifty Best, World Whiskies

Made to Taste
Shinju 'White Pearl' was created to be a different Japanese Whisky. It's flavor profile was created so that it could mix well and make amazing cocktails, while also smooth for those who drink it straight.
Double distilled, with wafts of honey, orange and vanilla, accompanied by hints of herbaceous notes and light oak.